Dermoscopy Mole evaluation

Using a dermoscope, our dermatologist can closely examine moles, warts, brown spots, skin tags, and other skin lesions. This tool provides a magnified view of the skin’s surface, helping in the early detection of malignant melanoma or other skin cancers. Regular mole checks are vital for those with a high number of moles or a history of skin cancer in the family.


During the evaluation, a handheld device combining strong magnification and excellent lighting is used. It allows seeing the diagnostic details, such as structures, color, shape, and irregularities that lay under the skin’s surface. These details are usually invisible to the naked eye.


After an accurate mole mapping is produced, any changes in the moles are detected. Any worrying signs are quickly passed onto the next stage of diagnosis, a biopsy or excision with histopathology.

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